All Hallow's Eve, or some junk
Oh yeah, mom and I taking it easy after she took me to her job to show me off. I didn't do much except wake up for a bottle and to load a diaper while I was there. I am telling you, life is good at this point.
Mom decided since I was going to be around at Halloween we'd best document the occasion. I bet in about 14 years I'm gonna be really pissed about these pics.
Dad showing off my hoof. For reference, if you take a can of Diet Coke, and put my heel on the table where the can sits, my toe goes up to the word "calories". So far the only thing I know about these things is that they get cold and people make a fuss over them. Oh yeah, mom and dad "eat" my toes sometimes to wake me up.
Cuteness overload. Dear Lord on high, we must reduce the number of Pooh Bears at once or I am going to turn into an animated character!
Oh thank God. Crisis averted. I think I'm going to take another nap. Nap is good, especially when you haven't been awake ALL day and get to keep mom and dad up!
Ben: I tried to get a naked baby butt shot during today's bath time, but Wilhelm threw down about artistic licensing and intelectual property. I didn't understand any of it, but when he threatened legal recourse if a naked baby shot appearred, I decided against it.
Happy Halloween Everybody.