Will's new trick, it's a good one..
... if you have the patience of a SAINT!
So he's started teething and this is somewhat uncomfortable for him, I guess. I'm having to gather clues from the screaming and the crying. We used that Anbesol gum medicine. All that does is piss him off. Evidently it gets on his tongue and lips. This freaks him out, and he also is unable to keep from drooling like a Saint Bernard! Although this has lead to spit bubbles of unprecedented size.
Being the soft and loving guy I am, I try holding him over my shoulder, rocking him, and patting him on his back. The problem with this is while on my shoulder he screams directly into my ear canal. I think the right ear is bleeding from the pressure this kid puts out. Makes him real fun to hold.
I know things are going to get better, and let me tell ya, I'm ready.