Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Will's new trick, it's a good one..

... if you have the patience of a SAINT!

So he's started teething and this is somewhat uncomfortable for him, I guess. I'm having to gather clues from the screaming and the crying. We used that Anbesol gum medicine. All that does is piss him off. Evidently it gets on his tongue and lips. This freaks him out, and he also is unable to keep from drooling like a Saint Bernard! Although this has lead to spit bubbles of unprecedented size.

Being the soft and loving guy I am, I try holding him over my shoulder, rocking him, and patting him on his back. The problem with this is while on my shoulder he screams directly into my ear canal. I think the right ear is bleeding from the pressure this kid puts out. Makes him real fun to hold.

I know things are going to get better, and let me tell ya, I'm ready.

Now that is love

Will's Grand-daddy came all the way from Kingsland and spent the weekend helping Will's daddy fix Will's room. GD as he shall hence be called, endured sleeping on the couch, a house without coffee, and a son that isn't so good with the drywall repair. All in all the ceiling was levelled up, or down, but I don't think sideways, textured, and some electrical work was accomplished.

GD knows his stuff, but his sons use of pink drywall compound had him a bit confused. I told him pink was the new black, that and the stuff should dry white. Funny thing though, when I primed and then painted the ceiling it reactivated the pink dye, and my ceiling turned bright pink for a few hours. Mary was a bit concerned.

I primed the walls and and am ready to start painting the room a nice shade of pastel green and pastel yellow. Painting should be finished by this weekend and most of the trim installed as well. Then it's down to new carpet and we should be finished.

Thanks Dad, for more than you'll ever know.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Yes Bunny, tell me more...

...not now Bear, Bunny's talking.

So I haven't really traded him in for a case of beer, although sometimes I DO get thirsty.

He sometimes gets me up at 4am so we can watch Ron PoPeil and Billy Mays whore for some gadget, cleaner, or some other product that Wild Bill and I can't for the life of us figure out HOW we ever got along without them. Thank God WB doesn't have his own credit card, 'cause he said that food dehydrator looked mighty tempting.

Most of the time (as in 99 out of 100) Mary takes care of any mid sleepy time feedings, because if she didn't he'd starve. I hope she doesn't figure out that I'm staying up a little later than her so I can slip in my ear plugs without her noticing. Love ya Super Wife.

His Grandma has retired and is baby sitting for us during the day. I have been tasked with delivering said bundle of joy in the morning on my way to work. We're starting to bond though. I taught him to pump his little fist in the air to get truckers to blow their air horns. I stuck a little thought balloon made out of cardboard to his baby seat that says "Honk if You're Horny", I can't wait for him to get big enough to ride up front with me where people can see it. This morning we mooned a bus stop, I think he flipped off a funeral procession.

I tell ya it gets better every, single, day.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Adventures of Bottomless Bill and the Narcoleptic Nipple

I know it's been awhile, and I'll apologize for the lack of pictures, but it is a post so take it or leave it.

My son, who was only to be referred to as William, or Will, has since picked up the handle "Wild Bill" from my sister inlaw. Wild Bill has recently moved into the "I'm hungry, right freaking NOW! Feed me or I'll scream until blood runs from your ear canals!" stage. This is quite frustrating because at the same time, the nipple makes him sleepy. So he falls asleep not quite full to the brim with baby chow, and wakes up royally pissed about it. This is not conducive to a good night's sleep, or even looking forward to any interaction with my son since they ALL involve trying to keep him full.

Actually, I thought up the title to this post and it seemed so clever I had to use it. I guess I should have had some content to put behind it.

Stay tuned, I'll post up some pics in the near future.