Yes Bunny, tell me more...

...not now Bear, Bunny's talking.
So I haven't really traded him in for a case of beer, although sometimes I DO get thirsty.
He sometimes gets me up at 4am so we can watch Ron PoPeil and Billy Mays whore for some gadget, cleaner, or some other product that Wild Bill and I can't for the life of us figure out HOW we ever got along without them. Thank God WB doesn't have his own credit card, 'cause he said that food dehydrator looked mighty tempting.
Most of the time (as in 99 out of 100) Mary takes care of any mid sleepy time feedings, because if she didn't he'd starve. I hope she doesn't figure out that I'm staying up a little later than her so I can slip in my ear plugs without her noticing. Love ya Super Wife.
His Grandma has retired and is baby sitting for us during the day. I have been tasked with delivering said bundle of joy in the morning on my way to work. We're starting to bond though. I taught him to pump his little fist in the air to get truckers to blow their air horns. I stuck a little thought balloon made out of cardboard to his baby seat that says "Honk if You're Horny", I can't wait for him to get big enough to ride up front with me where people can see it. This morning we mooned a bus stop, I think he flipped off a funeral procession.
I tell ya it gets better every, single, day.
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